Friday, December 20, 2013

What have we gotten ourselves into?

Stoic. That was my first impression of this creature whom they told me was a child, but came to me with the weight of a grown man on his small yet broad frame. Dressed in black from head to toe, his face revealed nothing. He nodded curtly at our introductions but didn't say much other than to repeat our names. With arms full of baby and baby gear I dropped something, but before I had a chance to pick it up, D swooped down and grabbed it. It was my first glimpse into the gentle heart I'd been told I'd find. The ride home was quiet--since we are a family of eight for the next month, we cannot all fit in one vehicle. Jacki, Gabe, D and I rode in the van and Christopher, Nick and Grandma rode with Dad. I tried to make a little conversation with D to help him relax a little and frankly I wondered what I'd gotten myself into. It didn't appear he knew as much English as I had thought. He showed very little emotion or interest until a) I began singing Christmas carols along with the radio and b) we crossed over the toll bridge over the Port of Houston. He was absolutely exhausted, as well he should have been. As though the flight from Eastern Europe wasn't long enough, the group of orphans and their chaperones were held up in customs for hours due to a "technical difficulty" which then led to multiple missed flights, including D's.

We have spent the last few days hanging out and getting to know each other. I was surprised that D wanted to go to church Wednesday night. He was quiet but observant. I kept him with me and we watched the Children's Choir sing at the nursing home. I didn't think he was quite ready to experience the youth group's "Redneck Christmas." I didn't want that to be his first impression of Texans, haha! We went shopping that night and got him a few clothes, and then yesterday his time was monopolized by the Littles, who ADORE him, of course! He is SO patient with them.

Today's big adventure was the dentist. D was a trooper and the dentist was very impressed with D's dental hygiene.

Please continue to pray for us. Pray that we would get quality rest, and that Dima truly feels at home here. Pray that we can show him love in the exact ways he needs it.

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